Tuesday 26 January 2016


Knowing the limits of whatever you have will determine how long it lasts. Likewise, knowing the boundaries of a healthy marriage will determine how long it lasts. In this case, it may determine how long YOU last.
You ought to know when to walk away.

Monday 14 July 2014

Ordinary yet making Impact

I have been pondering about the perception of readers about people who write, especially about life's issues. It crossed my mind that people expect that for you to write on a topic you must be infallible in that area- but I beg to differ.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Marriage: A blank Sheet

A lot of us have imagined how our wedding day would be like, for many women they have not only imagined it, they've lived that day over and over in their minds before knowing who the groom would be and if he probably has an entirely different picture on his mind.

Sunday 13 April 2014

To Single Ladies 2

A while ago, I shared some thoughts on making a great marriage decision. You can find the post here. This is a follow-up to that.
At the altar, you will promise to love and cherish your spouse till death separates both of you. Taking care of these pointers before marriage will make that vow a joy and pleasure.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Failing Forward

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm- Winston Churchill

Thursday 23 January 2014

How do I know I love you?

I know I love you because I’m happy every time I think of you. There’s no distance too far for me to cover just to get to you. There’s no risk I won’t face to protect you, in fact I feel like a superman whenever the need arises. If it’s going to make you happy and safe, it’s a good idea.

Sunday 1 April 2012

I Pledge to Nigeria

If any part of the following thoughts/words seem like I took them right from your heart, then you are a patriot, and I hope to see you in the Nigeria of our dreams which is just around the corner.

Saturday 11 February 2012

To Single Ladies

Every time I look at my daughter, I wish I could begin to tell her so many things about life and love, but she's just two years old and I have very limited vocabulary to share my thoughts with her in a way she'll understand.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

I am excited to witness a brand new day and wish you all a Happy New Year. We're well into the 4th day of 2012 and so it would be a waste of time dwelling on the events of the past year except we remember them for the purpose of drawing valuable lessons that will fuel our passion for achieving the goals set for the New Year.

I leave with you 20 tweets (out of several) that stood out for me during the past year, and while you enjoy them (as I am sure they will inspire you), I will encourage you to follow the people that were inspired to write these words that have become valuable treasures to me. (the words in bold blue fonts are the tweeter handles)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Not a Loss

I don't consider it a loss when something that is Gods' returns back to him. Majority of the people who came to visit us thought that the reality of what happened had not dawned on us (my wife & I) because of our countenance from about 12 hours after the incident. What they did not know was that the truth had also dawned on us which is; heads or tails, we win.